Level Up Your Game: Choosing the Best Gaming Monitors in 2024

Level Up Your Game: Choosing the Best Gaming Monitors in 2024

Paula Napolitano |

Whether you’re chasing headshots in a high-stakes FPS or losing yourself in an epic RPG, one thing’s for sure: your monitor can make or break your experience. But with so many choices on the market picking the right screen can feel like an overwhelming quest in itself (nevermind the game!) Don’t worry, though; we’ve got your back. Let’s dive into the rather busy world of the Best Gaming Monitors 2024 and help you find the perfect match for your setup.

The Evolution of Gaming Monitors 

Gaming monitors have evolved massively over the years, gone are the days when a basic screen would do the trick! We’ve moved from clunky CRTs to sleek, Ultra-Wide Gaming Monitors that wrap around your entire field of view. In 2024, we’re seeing even more exciting advancements, like lightning-fast refresh rates, crisp 4K Gaming Monitors and adaptive sync technologies that make gameplay buttery smooth. Arguably, it’s never been a better time to be a gamer—and an even better time to upgrade your setup. 

Why Choosing the Right Monitor Matters?

Your monitor isn’t just there to display pretty pictures—it’s a critical part of your gaming rig that can seriously impact your performance. A high-quality gaming monitor can reduce input lag, minimize screen tearing and enhance visuals, making your gameplay smoother and more immersive, especially when playing more faster paced games. Compared to standard monitors, gaming monitors are built specifically for speed and clarity with features that can give you the slightest edge, whether you’re playing competitively or just enjoying your favourite single-player game.

2. Understanding Gaming Monitor Specifications 

Resolution: 1080p, 1440p, or 4K?

When it comes to resolution, it’s all about how much detail you want to see—and how powerful your gaming setup is. 

  • 1080p (Full HD): Still popular for fast-paced, competitive gaming because it doesn’t put a heavy load on your graphics card. Perfect if you’re all about those high frame rates but less sharp than other options. 
  • 1440p (Quad HD): This is considered the sweet spot for many gamers. It’s sharper than 1080p without being as demanding as 4K, making it great for a wide range of genres—from intense shooters to gorgeous RPGs. It’s no wonder why people are still searching for the best 1440p gaming monitors in 2024. 
  • 4K (Ultra HD): The crème de la crème of resolutions, with jaw-dropping detail that makes games look insanely good. But, fair warning, it’ll put your GPU through its paces, so you’re going to need a powerful machine to get the most out of it.

Refresh Rate: Is 144Hz the Sweet Spot?  

If you’ve ever experienced choppy gameplay, you know well just how crucial a good refresh rate is. Here’s a brief explainer - 

  • 60Hz: Fine for casual gaming, but you’ll start to notice lag in the faster-paced titles. 
  • 120Hz-144Hz: The golden standard for most gamers, offering smooth visuals without breaking the bank. Great for everything from competitive shooters to racing games. This is why a 144Hz Gaming Monitor is often considered the sweet spot for a balance between performance and price. 
  • 240Hz and Beyond: For the hardcore pros out there. If you’re into esports or just want the absolute best, go for this—but be prepared to pay a premium.

Response Time: Do Milliseconds Matter?  

Response time, usually measured in milliseconds (ms), is all about how quickly your monitor can change pixels. The lower, the better—especially if you’re playing anything fast-paced. Aim for under 5ms, and if you can get 1ms, you’re absolutely golden.

Panel Types: TN vs. IPS vs. VA  

Not all screens are created equal as they say, and the panel type can seriously change how your games look and feel. This is where things get pretty technical. 

  • TN (Twisted Nematic): Super fast, great for competitive play, but colours can look a bit washed out compared to other panels. 
  • IPS (In-Plane Switching): Stunning colours and great viewing angles. If visuals matter to you (and let’s be honest, they do), this is a solid pick, though it’s not as fast as TN. 
  • VA (Vertical Alignment): Good middle ground with deep blacks and decent colours but can have slower response times, so watch out if you’re into really fast games.

HDR and Colour Accuracy: Controversial Options  

HDR (High Dynamic Range) can make your games look more lifelike by enhancing certain colours and contrast. It’s not a must-have, but if you love games with lush, detailed environments (think games like The Last of Us with lots of greenery interspersed with debris), it’s a nice touch. Just make sure the monitor has good colour accuracy to get the most out of it.

3. Gaming-Specific Features to Look For 

G-Sync vs. FreeSync: Smoothing Out the Experience

Nobody likes screen tearing. G-Sync vs FreeSync Monitors help keep your gameplay smooth by syncing your monitor’s refresh rate with your GPU. If you’re running an NVIDIA graphics card, G-Sync is the way to go; if you’ve got AMD, FreeSync’s your best bet. Simple! 

Curved vs. Flat Monitors: Immersion vs. Practicality  

Curved monitors for gaming pull you right into the action, making them great for more immersive games. But if you’re playing a lot of competitive stuff or plan on a multi-monitor setup, flat monitors for gaming are usually more practical.

Ultra-Wide Monitors: Expanding Your Field of View  

Ultra-wide gaming monitors simply let you see more of the game world, which is fantastic for strategy and simulation games. But they do take up a lot more space and often require more horsepower from your GPU, so keep that in mind before purchasing. 

Connectivity Options: HDMI 2.1, DisplayPort, and Beyond  

Modern ports like HDMI 2.1 and DisplayPort 1.4 are game-changers (excuse the pun), allowing for higher refresh rates and better visuals. If you’re rocking a next-gen console or a powerful PC, make sure your monitor has the right connections.


4. How to Choose Gaming Monitors in 2024? 

  • 1080p Monitors for Competitive Gaming: Great if you’re after high refresh rates and fast response times without needing top-tier hardware. 
  • 1440p Monitors for a Balanced Experience: Perfect for those who want excellent visuals without sacrificing too much performance. 
  • 4K Monitors for Immersive Gaming: If you’ve got the gear to handle it, go for 4K gaming monitors for stunning graphics that make every game feel epic. 


5. Refurbished Gaming Monitors: A Smart Buy?

The short answer, yes. Refurbished doesn’t mean outdated! Refurbished gaming monitors have been checked, repaired, and tested, often coming with warranties that rival new models. It’s a great way to score a premium monitor at a fraction of the price. 

Wisetek Market is the top spot in Ireland for snagging refurbished gaming monitors. You’re guaranteed genuine products with solid warranties and a hassle-free return policy, it’s a no-brainer if you’re looking for quality on a budget. Refurbished gaming monitors offer excellent performance and often come at half the price of a new one, making them a fantastic value for gamers looking to upgrade without breaking the bank. Apart from refurbished gaming monitors, we also offer wide range of genuine refurbished laptops, refurbished phones, refurbished MacBooks, refurbished monitors and a lot more.



Choosing the best gaming monitors in 2024 is all about finding the right balance between performance, visuals, and budget. Whether you’re eyeing a slick best 1440p Gaming Monitors, diving into 4K Gaming Monitors immersion, or grabbing an affordable gaming monitors option from Wisetek Market, there’s a perfect monitor out there for you. So, level up your game, and make every pixel count!


Looking for more tips? Head over to Wisetek Market for the latest on gaming tech, deals, and everything in between. 


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