Should I Buy A Refurbished Chromebook?

Should I Buy A Refurbished Chromebook?

Gaurav Nagpal |

Chromebooks are the ideal computing solution for anyone who is looking for a daily-use computer that is light and economic, yet still provides all the essential functions that you need to power through your day. In this blog post, we will be taking a closer look at what exactly Chromebooks are and what the advantages of owning one are. We will also take a deeper look at the main differences between Refurbished Chromebooks and Refurbished Laptops. Read on to discover more about the benefits of owning a Refurbished Chromebook. 

What Are The Main Differences Between Chromebooks And Laptops? 

While Chromebooks and laptops look very similar on the outside, there are a few key differences between the two devices. Chromebooks are designed to be lightweight and affordable. To meet this goal they do not use expensive operating systems like Windows or Mac OS, instead, Chromebooks rely on an expanded version of Google Chrome to get the job done. In contrast, Refurbished Laptops and Refurbished MacBooks usually use either Microsoft Windows or Mac OS as their operating system. This also means that laptops can run more complicated programs that require advanced functions to operate.  

Chromebooks are perfect for everyday computing tasks such as typing, e-mail and internet browsing while laptops can be used for this and more intensive computing applications such as photo editing or graphic design. Although they have a light footprint, Chromebooks perform excellently in many areas. 

What Is A Refurbished Chromebook? 

Refurbished Chromebooks are Chromebooks that have been used, usually in a corporate environment, and reached the end of their corporate use lifecycle. These devices are fully Refurbished to a near original factory state by experienced technicians. As part of the refurbishment process, the data on every Chromebook is securely deleted, all physical defects are repaired and the device is tested to ensure that it is fully functional. After testing, Refurbished Chromebooks are sold to their new owners along with a warranty and access to after-sales support and service.  

In contrast, second hand or used Chromebooks are usually directly bought from their previous owners and they are sold without any warranty or after-sales support. In many cases, used Chromebooks may still contain data from the previous owner and the devices are usually not checked by professional technicians to ensure that they are safe and up to standard. Although there is a price difference between Refurbished Chromebooks and used or second-hand Chromebooks, the advantages of purchasing a Refurbished Chromebook justify the slightly higher price point.  

What Are Some Of The Benefits Of Purchasing A Refurbished Chromebook? 

Aside from the main benefits of purchasing a Chromebook, several other reasons make it a great idea to invest in a Refurbished Chromebook. Some of these include: 

Less Expensive Option For School & Work:

Chromebooks are specifically designed with affordability in mind, which makes them a great choice for those who require a reliable and efficient everyday computer. Chromebooks offer much of the functionality that laptops and desktops offer but they come in a lighter and slimmer form factor, which reduces their price. Despite the lower price, Refurbished Chromebooks are more than capable of performing everyday computing tasks such as typing, e-mail, internet browsing and entertainment with ease.  

Chromebooks usually come with less storage space but to compensate, they usually offer the possibility of adding an SD card to increase the onboard storage space. However, Chromebooks are designed to integrate with other Google products and services seamlessly so Google Drive is readily available to store files in the cloud. Chromebooks also have the advantage of being light and highly portable, which makes them the perfect daily use computer for students and professionals that require mobility at an affordable price point.

Chromebooks Are Secure:

Chromebooks are relatively simple and, therefore, have a much smaller attack surface that can be exploited by cybercriminals. It is important to remember that although Chromebooks use a simplified and efficient operating system, they are by no means limited and they do provide all the features that the average laptop user might need. The slimmed-down operating system is easier to secure than other more complicated operating systems, which gives Refurbished Chromebooks a bit of an edge when it comes to secure computing. In addition, Chromebooks make extensive use of cloud-based software and these services generally incorporate their own security, which can make Chromebooks even more secure than laptops.

Chromebooks Are Fast: 

Since Chromebooks use a Google Chrome-based operating system, they do not require significant processing power to run. This, combined with the solid-state discs which are used for data storage makes the typical Chromebook a speedy device. The Chromebook operating system doesn’t have many add-ons and services that constantly run in the background, which also contributes to making the device faster. In summary, Chromebooks offer a lightweight and fast computing experience that is user-friendly and designed specifically with cloud computing in mind. The reduced need for processing power also means that Chromebooks typically have a longer-lasting battery which means that students and working professionals can work for longer before needing to charge.

Chromebooks Make Good Family Laptops: 

A Refurbished Chromebook is an excellent choice as a family laptop. Chromebooks excel at tasks like research because of the built-in parental controls that can restrict inappropriate websites when needed. In addition to this, the lightweight footprint of a typical Chromebook is excellent for use around the home where more than one family member might need access to the device. Choosing a Refurbished Chromebook is an affordable option for family use, and it provides all the essential features that family members need for work, study and entertainment.  

Compatible With Android Apps: 

Another great advantage of using a Chromebook is the fact that many Android apps can be used on some Chromebook models. This is because Chromebooks are based on a Google Chrome operating system which is somewhat similar to the operating system that is used on Android-based smartphones. This is a big plus for productivity because it enables users to start a task on one device and seamlessly switches to another device. 

Final Word 

Chromebooks strike an ideal balance between productivity, mobility and affordability which makes them an excellent choice for anyone that needs a reliable daily computer. Refurbished Chromebooks are perfect for students, professionals and families because they offer most of the functionality that people expect from a computer at a reduced price. In addition, a Refurbished Chromebook purchased from a reliable Circular Economy supplier like Wisetek Store always comes with a warranty and excellent after-sales support and service, which gives buyers additional peace of mind.  

Shop Today 

Does a Refurbished Chromebook meet your needs and expectations? Why not take a closer look at Wisetek Store and our large range of high-quality Refurbished Chromebooks to find your next computer. We also stock a wide range of electronic devices, including Refurbished Tablets, Refurbished Monitors, and Refurbished Phones as well as various bundles and accessories